Be the person who saves a life, not the spectator that lets someone die.

Dynamic Rescue Solutions provides training in Tactical Emergency Casualty Care to firefighters, law enforcement, EMS, medical personnel, and everyday citizens. Whether you’re a seasoned paramedic or have no medical background at all, we will prepare you to treat traumatic injuries from bullets, blades, blasts, and more.

Join us for a day of training and leave with the knowledge and skills to save a life if the call should come.

“To every man (or woman) there comes in his lifetime that special moment when he is figuratively tapped on the shoulder and offered a chance to do a very special thing, unique to him and fitted to his talents. What a tragedy if that moment finds him unprepared or unqualified for that which would be his finest hour.”

– Winston Churchill

Regardless of your skill level or scope of practice, Dynamic Rescue Solutions can customize training to fit your individual or agency’s needs.

As a recognized educational partner of the Committee for Tactical Emergency Casualty Care, Dynamic Rescue Solutions is proud to provide instruction on these lifesaving guidelines.

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Following years of intensive and thorough research into what military members die from on the battlefield, identifying what is treatable pre-hospital, and determining what skills and equipment are needed to provide that care, in 1996 the 42 member joint service Committee on Tactical Combat Casualty Care put forth the guidelines on Tactical Combat Casualty Care. These trauma care guidelines and accompanying training are credited with saving countless lives in combat. Looking to carry these recommendations home from the battlefield and translate into the civilian high-threat pre-hospital environment, in 2010 the Committee for Tactical Emergency Casualty Care established their own similar set of guidelines. For both Committees the goal was the same, to reduce or eliminate death from potentially survivable wounds.

Although originally created to deal with potentially fatal injuries received on the military battlefield, TECC is equally applicable to care for traumatic injuries sustained in the civilian environment. Intentional violence, a fall through glass, industrial machinery, motor vehicle accident, construction site mishap, negligent discharge on a shooting range, even a broken wine glass can produce injuries best addressed by TECC. You’ll learn skills such as when and how to apply a tourniquet, seal a sucking chest wound, open an occluded airway and much more.